EPIC Dad Wales
In 2022 EPIC Dad is expanding and we are excited to announce the launch of EPIC Dad Wales in Aberystwyth. Jon Butler, one of our directors, has been working with Dads and families in Aberystwyth since January 2020 and will be our Wales Project Lead. EPIC Dad Wales will continue furthering the mission of EPIC Dad by Supporting Men, Empowering Fathers and Transforming Families. We will do this through monthly Aber Dads Fun Clubs, EPIC Dad Mentoring, EPIC Dad Walk and Talk, EPIC Dad Parenting and EPIC Dad Survival Courses. Our EPIC Dad Wales events and activities will be based in Aberystwyth, working throughout villages and towns across north Ceredigion. To get in contact with EPIC Dad Wales please email info@epicdad.wales
EPIC Dad Wales
Aberystwyth Business Hub
7A Great Darkgate Street
SY23 1DE
Yn 2022 mae EPIC Dad yn ehangu ac rydym yn gyffrous i gyhoeddi bod EPIC Dad Cymru yn cael ei lansio yn Aberystwyth. Mae Jon Butler, un o’n cyfarwyddwyr, wedi bod yn gweithio gyda Thadau a theuluoedd yn Aberystwyth ers mis Ionawr 2020 ac ef fydd Arweinydd Prosiect Cymru. Bydd EPIC Dad Cymru yn parhau i hyrwyddo cenhadaeth EPIC Dad trwy Gefnogi Dynion, Grymuso Tadau a Thrawsnewid Teuluoedd. Byddwn yn gwneud hyn trwy Glybiau Hwyl Aber Dads bob mis, Mentora EPIC Dad, Sgwrs a Cherdded EPIC Dad, Rhianta EPIC Dad a Chyrsiau Goroesi EPIC Dad. Bydd ein digwyddiadau a’n gweithgareddau EPIC Dad Cymru wedi’u lleoli yn Aberystwyth, gan weithio mewn pentrefi a threfi ledled gogledd Ceredigion. I gysylltu ag EPIC Dad Cymru, e-bostiwch info@epicdad.wales

EPIC Dad Florida
EPIC Dad is working in partnership with the charity EPIC 192 (Charity Number – 1194990) to establish EPIC Dad Fatherhood Program in Kissimmee, Florida, based at Beyond Pregnancy Care Center. Richard and Amba Keeble (founders of EPIC 192) have a vision to reach hidden families living along and around Highway 192 in Central Florida by offering parenting, practical, and pastoral support to those in need.